Hey Guys!
First i have to say „Hello“ to all LINE supporters and to all the other riders!
It´s my first year on LINE Skis and I´m stoked to be part of such a awesome company!
Last weekend i was invited to the London Freeze and here are a few words what went down:
This competition was incredible, a nice atmosphere and an amazing location!
Due to the first ever british snow avalanche on the inrun and to the lack of time forced by the bad weather in the morning, the shaping crew decided to use snowflex(plastic, usually used for waterramps) on the first 20m of the inrun and after that the rest of the real snow they had, which made it difficult, especially switch riding, cause u can´t really do turns and it´s real easy to catch ur edge when u come from the plastic to the snow part! Speed was suprisingly good and after a couple of try´s everybody good used to it and some guys started hitting the jump switch.
Anyways i made it to Finals somehow with my sw dub 9 what i was really stoked about cause everybody else was just boosting forward dub cork 10 and 12 so i was stoked to do something a bit different as well as Cory Vanular who did a sick nosebutter cork 9!
It was a fun weekend and i´m proud to be part of the LINE family!