Boot dryers, volcanic dust, and the fattest bag of tricks and swag is headed out the door! LINE pros like Taylor Lundquist, Will Wesson, Dylan Siggers, Tucker Fitzsimmons and more are en route.
Summer ski camps at Momentum, Woodward Copper, and Windells are piling up with campers for a an all summer long rager on the slopes under the sun. From the sickest locations, wildest antics on and off snow check in with the #LINEskis crew as they make their way to some of the hottest North American Summer ski camps to throwdown with campers ... oh and yes eat a sh!t ton of pizza! 🍕
Woodward Copper Summer Camp · Session 4 | Summit County, Colorado
SNOW FARMING. Yeah click that, too lazy to explain the magic. Basically the type of non-corn crop farming that keeps the stoke and park ripping for the summer session with enough snow to get the job done at Copper Mountain in Colorado! Things tend to get loose at Woodward Copper with wild antics and a narrow lane rewarding and often punishing bravery. The camps have brought everyone whos anyone in the park to flip around and find out - find out that the killer Colorado weather is just as fun on snow as off snow antics/activities are with pros!
Catch familar and new faces Will Wesson, Marion Balsamo, Tucker Fitsimmons, Dicky Thomas, Bennie Osnow, Brian Gardiner, Jed Blue Waters, and Jackson Karsteter.
Learn more about Woodward Copper Summer Ski Camps!
Momentum Camps | Whistler, BC
After a bit of a hiatus your favorite Canadian Summer ski camps are officialy BACK IN ACTION! Since 1992 the glacial melt and some seriously serene views paved ways for quite the private dream park experience. When you're rippin' 'er up at camp you're at the mercy of an absolutely stacked lane while riding with a ton of pros letting loose. If they're our pros you already know you're leaving with a stacked bag of free LINE swag or free skis - ALWAYS REWARD THE SUNTAN, ALWAYS USE SUNSCREEN, OR NOT BUT PLEASE DO. After a day on snow expect our athletes to have even more swag ready at on campus activities to dish out. Sounds fun? Now rinse and repeat a few days for the perfect mixture of sun, ski, and send your friends will be helllllllaaaa jealous of!
Catch pros all summer long Alec Henderson, Dylan Siggers, Garrett Capel, and Rachael Anderson on the glacier!
Learn more about Momentum Summer Ski Camps!
Windells Camp · Session 5 | Mount Hood, Oregon
Skiing in the Summer below a big ass volcano. Sign. Us. Up. You're catching a low humidity summer on the only other glacier in NA with a park, stopping at Chucks for some Gator Taters, and making iconic memories at one of the longest running ski summer camps in the world. Bomber Palmer laps down the snowfield followed by dense park sessions in a stacked lane with pros and coaches start the day STRONG. Off snow things get rowdy with legendary campers vs. staff kickball and pro run dry-slope rail jams and other wild ass activities (occasional onion eating contests, capture the flag, Andy Parry run TC trivia).
Athletes in attendance this year include pros Taylor Lundquist, Will, Wesson, Andy Parry, Tucker Fitzsimmons, Brian Gardiner, Alexa Juncaj, Dasha Agafonova, Liam Baxter, Jed Blue Waters, Dickey Thomas, Konnor Ralph, Alec Henderson and more!
Learn more about Windells Summer Camps!