Sponsorships & Pro Forms
Sponsorships & Pro-Forms
Club, Crew & Event Sponsorship
All clubs, crews and event sponsorships are handled by the Line Skis rep in your region. Please go to a Line Skis dealer and inquire about speaking to the rep.
ProForm Requests
Check with your local Line Skis Dealer regarding purchasing skis at a Pro Deal discount. If you qualify, they will be able to assist you.
Athlete Sponsorship
First, look to the right and left of you at the top of the mountain and make sure you're better than everyone else. Next prepare to be disappointed that most skiers in the world never go pro, no matter how rad your buds think you are. Third, don't be bummed about the latter part because you're already the second luckiest person in the world (next to the pros of course) because you're already having a great time skiing! Start with having fun then the sponsorships come. From Wallisch to Pollard, Andy Parry to Leo Taillefer everyone starts at the local level so please go to a Line Skis dealer and inquire about speaking to the rep.